Thursday, January 19, 2017

Overall, It's A Good Day

Went last night to Albany for a Pat Metheny concert. Metheny, as he gets older, becomes more creative. Revisiting his old catalogue was less memory lane more reinvention of nearly everything. I drove my friend to McGeary’s Pub for dinner and a couple of oatmeal stouts and then to the concert. A perfect evening except for the long drive home and late night. That and my car sounded a little rough.
This morning, after four hours’ sleep, I got up to write three pages and wondered what was up with my digestion. I’ve had issues off and on for a week. Some discomfort. I skipped coffee and drank water. After waking the family for school, I got in my car to drive to work.
I usually let the car roll down the driveway then start it in the street to save a drop of gas and make less noise. This morning the car didn’t roll. I started the engine and backed our worrying that my brakes were stuck. I just spent a couple hundred getting them repaired, damn it.
Driving, I thought, this isn’t the brakes. About three quarters of a mile from home, the car let me know what was up. Flop, flop, flop, it said. Oh yeah, I replied (being a good conversationalist with my car). A flat tire. That explains it.
I pulled over and on four hours’ sleep, in the dark, dressed for work, and using my phone as a flashlight, removed the tire and mounted the doughnut. It got me to my job.
There my stomach reminded me it wasn’t well. Ew, I thought, wondering if I was going to make it through. As the day went on, I got steadily less comfortable. I can describe this in great detail if you care to hear about it. Give me a call.
I let my boss know I was leaving at noon. He’s a good guy and told me to take care of myself.
The doughnut got me home where I saw a package waiting for me. My turntable! I went in, used the bathroom (details on request), then set up a used turntable from 1984, placed Donald Fagen’s The Nightfly on it, and heard “IGY” clear and beautiful through the speakers.
It’s an odd day. Stomach isn’t working but it’s no big deal. My boss was cool and that is a big deal. The tire blew on my car but I changed it and will get it fixed. An old, used turntable arrived at my door and worked on the first try. I don’t keep careful score, but I’ll call the day a win.

I’d tell you more but want to flip the album and maybe use the bathroom again. That’s all you really want to know.  

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