Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Have A Little Faith by Mitch Albom

Still life with lip balm.

It’s one of those books I tend to think is beneath me. Have a little faith? That’s not for me. That will have nothing to say to me. I don’t want it to. If it does, then what does that say about me?
This year I read Tuesdays With Morrie to a couple of my classes and it was good. I’ve read it myself most every year since it was published. It helps calm me and points to what matters. I’m a better person after reading it. I know how corny that sounds.
Last week I noticed Have A Little Faith on my wife’s shelf. Is that any good? I asked. She said it was. She’s a good judge of character and books. She knew my reluctance about it — she usually does — and didn’t push the book. I was reading Underground Airlines and didn’t think I would need another book for a couple days, but then I finished it that evening and, needing something to read, I picked up Albom’s book.
It’s good. It made me think even though I didn’t want to. It did not convert me, but that’s not Albom’s mission, thank goodness. He talks about how much we can learn when we act as students and find teachers. As with Morrie, he learns that focusing on others is the way to happiness. It’s the same message Christopher McDougall offers in Born To Run and Natural Born Heroes. It’s the message I should know already, but I need reminding.
The book was a good reminder. It’s short, easy to read, and compelling. It’s not too preachy, not looking to convert. It’s a good story about a man learning from his old rabbi and from a preacher in Detroit whom he has trouble believing.

I’ll probably read it again next year. I could use the reminder.

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