Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Good Morning, Very Early

Here's a thing that happens. I woke up this morning at 2:15 with this digestive thing I get time to time. It has to do with tension or dehydration or something else. My doctor doesn't know for sure, neither does my therapist. I don't know either. It just happens and that's that. Knowing why seems less important to me than it once did.

It almost always strikes while I sleep, waking me up. The cure is simple. I get up and walk downstairs. I put a kettle on for tea. I walk around the house some. When the tea is ready, I drink it slowly. Usually, by the end of a big mug of tea, the problem has passed and I'm relatively fine.

By the time I get myself taken care of, an hour or so has passed and I'm fully awake. Tired, sure, but not looking to lie down. My brain is ready to do things. This morning, down in my basement office, I spent the hour it took to drink the tea cleaning my office, throwing out old papers, hanging new pictures, deciding on new projects. Now, my desk is cleared, my shelves are organized, I've filled and emptied my recycling twice.

This has been happening to me off and on for almost a decade. For a while it was happening every few weeks. Now, it has trailed off to maybe once every three or four months. It would seem as though it is receding and even if it isn't, I have a solution to the problem when it occurs. Besides, getting up at quarter past two in the morning isn't the worst of situations. I cleaned my office, I typed up four old poems, and here I am listening to the BBC and typing my 750 words. All of that in the silent darkness of a morning while my family sleeps deeply upstairs.

As a kid I used to get up and deliver the morning newspaper. It was a job I didn't like much, but I loved the feeling afterward when I returned home and no one else was awake yet. I lay down on the couch and closed my eyes, not to sleep but to simply be still and quiet with myself.

In college, more often than not, I woke early, carried the coffee maker and my bag out of the suite and into a study lounge. There I brewed a full pot of the stuff, dug into my studies, and, when he came around, said hello to the man who kept our hallway clean. Mostly, I enjoyed being up before the sun rose and the world was quiet.

I write for a lot of the same reasons that I enjoy getting up early. The quiet simplicity of being alone with myself (and maybe the BBC or NPR announcer), of hearing what thoughts I have when there is no audience to impress. When I trust myself to float on the words in the darkness, the sun slowly rises and the world becomes clear and bright to me.

That sounds like hooey, but that's just because it's a tough concept to talk about and I'm mostly talking to myself.

My physical discomfort has passed and my mental discomfort is eased by the solitude. The words come one by one and I follow them down the screen wondering what they will say. Like my physical condition, I don't know what causes the idea or exactly where it comes from, but I know what to do with it and about how long it will take to run its course. I know that this solitude is good for me and I welcome it.

I doubt I'll ever knock down the cause of this problem that wakes me every so often and I would bet that there will be a morning when my big mug of tea doesn't quite get me through. At that point, I'll have to make some changes. For now, things are good, including the fact that I'm up so early writing, listening to the news, watching for the sun to rise. Later today I will do whatever it is that I need to do later today. For now, all I have is to keep going with my thoughts, to breathe in and out, and to accept what is as I move toward what will be.

I'm out of tea and ready to switch to coffee. I've just about reached my 750 words for today and my body is calm and recovered. It's still very early. I've got all the time in the world. I'll go make coffee, come back down here to my clean office, and write on and on.

Good morning.


  1. It's good to know I'm not the only one who embraces the early morning darkness for writing. Thanks for sharing your understanding

    When I trust myself to float on the words in the darkness, the sun slowly rises and the world becomes clear and bright to me. The words come one by one and I follow them down the screen wondering what they will say.

    Have a great day, my friend. Time for some coffee to write to,

    1. No, you're certainly not the only one, Bonnie, though I'm not usually up at 2:15. Funny thing is that I don't feel that tired or worn down today. I have to believe that's because I made myself feel good with the writing. I'm not saying that I should do this every morning, but once in a while, words on the screen are restful enough.

      I hope the coffee was fantastic. Mine was

  2. Brian,
    Ah,now I see. If it wasn't for the peace of early morning that allows a careful read of your work, I may have continued to misread your "come back down here to my clean office" as you returning to your basement for a repeat "clean my office." Reading what's written seems more possible in the morning.

    When I was a young teenager, my Dad would drag me early in the morning to work with him where he would have managed to convince his boss that stuff I could do at that age for Berman's Motor Express really needed doing. Mission critical stuff like dusting cobwebs from the basement file storage area or cleaning out a year's worth of trash from under the truck loading docks. We left early in the morning.

    We'd stop at his Mom's house before even starting the 20 mile trip to his work. Gram would have fresh-baked goodies on the table-clothed kitchen table together with coffee (his), teas (hers) and milk . Her house would have been cleaned that morning, she was fully dressed with heels, her hair, make-up and nails perfect for her baby boy. She, like you, found early mornings very good.


    1. I love the story and images of your morning going to work with your father. I can see it happening, especially the last paragraph at Gram's. For some reason, I can see you in there very clearly.

      Thanks for reading.
